Monday 26 May 2008

Post Lord: Beeeeeeela

Scribbling, guess who?
ps. I gave Gabe boyband hair :P

Sunday 25 May 2008


I MISS ALL U LOONY BAGGMIRS! Here's a delightful pic of me at 5am this morning as the orange Sith.Btw send me money, i'll return the favour when i'm rich :D
loves ya all.

Saturday 24 May 2008


As I am quite sure this is one of the first posts I have contributed, I am somewhat at a loss as to what to add to this miscellany of conglomerated randomness. There is a host of things I could say about Bagmirs and it's glamorously magnificent members, but all I can say at this moment is: I'm pissed, I'm happy, and I miss the rest of the Bagmir's.

We must meet up. That is all I have to say.

Blossom and Gabe: You must exert every effort within your power to come down here by Christmas at least. It has been much, much too long.

Beela and Raph: To the former, you must must MUST deign to descend to this place, and we will have lovely, happy, high times of joy and alchohol-and-substance-induced bliss, amongst other old traditions to be renewed in their wonderful entirety.

I have spoken my piece. I will retire, due to my aching tired extremities and the extreme exhaustion of my body at this hour.



Saturday 17 May 2008

Post Lord: Raph

Oh the joy.
'None of the delinquent members of this goddamned website have been posting' was the first thin that crossed my mind when I logged in. (for the first time this year)
But oh well, maybe you guys are busying yourselves with important things.... like picking your ass or spooning grains of rice into plastic containers.

And yes, I WILL be expecting some fate-sealing post from one of you guys who decide to announce that 'things have changed' or 'we're older now' .
But wtvr the case, get yer asses online and contribute


I added this little pic to show everyone what they should be listening to.....(If the shoe fits Gabe)

Friday 16 May 2008

Oh I dared!

post lord:Beeeeela