Sunday, 23 September 2007


Post lord: Beeeela

Nobody wants to post here, what is wrong with you!!!!
and Gabe, (milon) i like the little hatching things . I spend hours just putting my cursor over them and screaming: HATCH YOU WANKERS HATCH!!!!
Please call home, we really love you. And Raph post pictures of your own ugly feet.
by the way I really think pictures are needed here. look how angry Raph and I are at your neglect.

Thursday, 26 July 2007

Hey Everyone

A new picture of bella.

Saturday, 23 June 2007

Post Lord: Gabe (Not Paki!)

Ok, so what's new? I went to ghana with my mum and now i am here in london again for a vacation (of one month).
What have you guys been up to? (In that i mean raphie and bells)
Haven't seen you and your mum for ages. Hope you guys are enjoying it in switz.
You should tell all the other members of baggmirs to post stuff, do they even know this exists?
Ummmm, theres not much to tell you guys...

(erm, i think we should change the layout, i think its pretty lame with the little ummm hatching things at the top. could use revising if you ask me)

Thursday, 21 June 2007

Turkey Ass

Us at a barbecue.
Yes I'm growing my hair......
It really still is believed to be tight, cute, hot turkey ass.

Thursday, 10 May 2007

Intro 1

Post lord:Raph
If you can’t hear sound or there is any problems playing videos, here is the subtitles:

Hello everyone,
welcome to your website.
Please feel free to post pictures, ideas or even just memories, if you have any problems posting or logging in just ask a member that may be able to help you out.
Please request a vote before sharing this website with others.

Thursday, 3 May 2007


Post lord:Bella

Sunday, 29 April 2007

Welcome BAGGMIRS...and Nina :P

Post lord: Bella
ok ppl, here are some rules for this blog and i know you will all keep them:
1. You must state at the top which Post lord is well...Posting.
2. You cannot give the password to any but the BAGGMIRS.
3. If someone puts soemthing up you may NOT alter it! yo may however comment on it like so,

Mari:blah deee blah

now did everyone get that, if you wish to put a comment on a post place it below the original text stating who is commenting, please do not make new posts just for responses unless completely necessary.
4. foolishness is prohibited .........pfffffffffffff hahahahahahahahahaha HEHEHEHEHEHEHEHE haha lol, sorry little joke, burn free, be foolish thats what were about.
5. please try to refrain from gossiping.
6.please put at least one post each.
thank you, if you wish we may discuss rule adjustments and further rules if you like , as i do not run this we all do, i'm just getting it started.